Mate by Megan Leone

Mate by Megan Leone

Organize your life with a stylish, easy to pull out and take with you mate by Megan Leone.

Megan Leone Zebra Canvas and Leather Clutch

Megan Leone Zebra Canvas and Leather Clutch

Megan Leone Zebra Canvas and Leather Clutch

I sent one of my best customers a preview sample and she reported the following back to me:

For every day I keep my ‘cosmetic stuff’ lipstick, powder, feminine items in it…in my large work bag that I tote back and forth to work. That way I can grab that and take to restroom at office, at Happy Hour, whateves. I could even throw in my credit card and license if going to happy hour and didn’t want to bring my big work bag.

For traveling for work I used it to put some of my power cords (cell phone, laptop, ipad). I also have used it for jewelry because I like to carry it with me versus checking it. Makes my life easier by being a perfect size to fit into my larger bags and keeping things organized and stylish enough to pull out instead of some cheesy gift with purchase bag I would have used previously or too big/too much of a statement clutch bag. -C Vay

How can the mate make your life more stylishly organized?

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